OxCal > 解 析 > ファイルフォーマット




入力ファイル [.oxcal]




較正曲線ファイル [.14c]



##Tree rings (Seattle: IntCal04 dataset 1)
-9708.5 10111.7 30.4
-9698.5 10122.1 31.4
-9688.5 10091.2 35.9
-9688.5 10093.7 24.5
-9678.5 10111   34.5
-9668.5 10126.4 34.3
-9658.5 10065.8 24.4
-9648.5 10055.1 30.4

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The other main formats accepted by the program are those for the various IntCal and bomb curve files. The IntCal04 format (common to SHCal04 and Marine04). These files are of this form:

##IntCal04 atmospheric curve (Reimer et al 2004)
# Reimer et al. 2004
# PJ Reimer, MGL Baillie, E Bard, A Bayliss, JW Beck, C Bertrand, PG Blackwell, 
#   CE Buck, G Burr, KB Cutler, PE Damon, RL Edwards, RG Fairbanks, M Friedrich,
#   TP Guilderson, KA Hughen, B Kromer, FG McCormac, S Manning, C Bronk Ramsey, 
#   RW Reimer, S Remmele, JR Southon, M Stuiver, S Talamo, FW Taylor, 
#   J van der Plicht, and CE Weyhenmeyer (2004), Radiocarbon 46:1029-1058.
#CAL BP, 14C age,Error,Delta 14C,Sigma
#      , YR BP  ,YR BP,per mil  ,per mil
26000,  21341.0, 108.0, 629.9, 21.9
25980,  21348.0, 103.0, 624.5, 20.8
25960,  21354.0,  98.0, 619.4, 19.8
25940,  21360.0,  93.0, 614.3, 18.7
25920,  21366.0,  88.0, 609.2, 17.6
25900,  21371.0,  83.0, 604.3, 16.6

The comma delimited form like this is assumed to imply that the time-scale is based on cal BP, which in turn is assumed to be numbers of years back from mid AD 1950.

Previous calibration curves used a five column format as in:

!!  1998 Atmospheric delta 14C and radiocarbon ages from:
!!  M. Stuiver, P. J. Reimer, E. Bard, J. W. Beck, G. S. Burr,
!!  K. A. Hughen, B. Kromer, F. G. McCormac, J. v. d. Plicht 
!!  and M. Spurk. INTCAL98 Radiocarbon Age Calibration, 24,000-0
!!  cal BP. Radiocarbon 40, 1041-1083 (1998).  
"IntCal98 atmospheric curve (Stuiver et al 1998)
!!  modified by the inclusion of the above line
!!  by Bronk Ramsey July 1999
!!  distributed with permission
!! YR AD/BC  Delta 14C  Sigma    14C age   Error
!!            per mil  per mil    YR BP     YR
   -22050      462.8    63.7     20265.1   349.7
   -21050      444.2    57.0     19396.1   316.9
   -20050      425.9    52.0     18527.1   293.1
   -19050      407.8    49.1     17658.1   280.3
   -18050      389.9    47.1     16789.1   272.3
   -17050      372.2    43.9     15920.1   257.2

Where the string "BC" is found in the header as in this case, negative numbers are assumed to be BC years (with no year zero). A similar format has been used for the bomb calibration data as in:

##Post-bomb atmospheric NH1 curve  (Hua and Barbetti 2004)  
#Year   D14C    1sigma  F14C    1sigma
1955.5  21.1    6.3 1.0218  0.0063
1956.5  37.9    14.7    1.0387  0.0147
1957.5  100.7   16.2    1.1017  0.0163
1958.5  167.2   4.8 1.1684  0.0048
1959.12 180.5   7.5 1.1818  0.0075
1959.2  196 4.9 1.1973  0.005

In such cases the "F14C" string is detected in the header text and the measurements treated as F14C rather than BP. The same can be done with the three column format.

Formats can also be mixed - as for example with the bomb curves which have been prefixed with the IntCal04 data for the last 300 years.

事後確率ファイル [.prior]


ここには,使用前の保存木材における年数を確率で表した例を挙げています(Miles 2005)。先頭ら2行目までは確率は0であることに注意してください。以下の例には有りませんが,最後の行についても同様です。

-2  0
-1  0
0   0.630467687
1   0.151353541
2   0.065691432
3   0.036334764
4   0.022952663
5   0.015770247
6   0.01148229
7   0.008722723
8   0.006844703
9   0.005510143
10  0.004528517
11  0.003785892
12  0.003210779


出力ファイル [.js]



ログファイル [.log]


タブ区切りファイル [.txt]


進行状況ファイル [.work]

